We Love Entrepreneurs!

What is Catalyst88?

Catalyst88 is a collection of Masterminds, Sourcing Trips and even a Podcast Network intended to help YOU to add strategy, systems, and scale into YOUR business thought process.

We do this through the development of new tactics as well as sustainable business ideas that you can learn and implement into your own business. The community can also act as a sounding board, ideation solution, and even give you a “virtual board of directors” when needed.

Our vision for Catalyst88 is to create a series of touch points for a group of high impact players who are ready and willing to help each other in meaningful ways. We do this through physical meet ups, podcasts, and online hangouts as well.

We ❤️ entrepreneurs and as lifelong entrepreneurs ourselves we understand the lows of absolute isolation to the highs of total exaltation and every point in between.

Catalyst88 started as a MasterMind which met 4 times per year as an entire group in the Seattle area. Those meetings were powerful and years later still show an impact to those who attended and focused on implementing some of the strategic lessons that were shared. Today rather than quarterly Seattle meetings we prefer holding unique events throughout the world.

We've held a series of excursions and other events that Catalyst88 members get first access to at insider, often break-even prices.

At these ad-hoc events are available for anyone join in on the activities no matter where we are. In the past, as a group, we have experienced China, Alaska Cruises, Disneyland, Roatan, Victoria & more. These events have proven to be very valuable from a business ROI perspective and are also fun. 

Steve Simonson Testimonials and Reviews for Catalyst88 from Awesomers.com on Vimeo.

Our mission is most easily articulated by this quote from the great Zig Ziglar: