About Us

We Believe

If you understand who we are; it is easier for you to see if you are a good fit for the Catalyst88 Mastermind.

  • We believe Entrepreneurs are changing the world.
  • We believe Entrepreneurs make the world a better place.
  • We believe Entrepreneurs add, not subtract from the world we live in.
  • We believe in doing the right thing.
  • We believe in sharing experiences; not acquiring things.
  • We believe in long-term relationships.
  • We believe strategic vision delivers success.
  • We believe in winning.
  • We believe in people. Our members. Our team. Our partners.
  • We believe even the best strategies require excellence in tactical execution.
  • We believe in discipline. We’re willing to do whatever it takes to achieve our goals.
  • We believe in the Golden Rule.
  • We believe in putting our name on everything we do.

Your business matters most to you and to your family. But, it matters to us as well even if we don’t know you personally. It’s true. We love entrepreneurs and a core value we share is that we believe the world needs more entrepreneurs! We believe our core mission is to help empower today’s entrepreneurs to enrich their lives, not just financially but in many other meaningful and essential ways as well.

We understand that your entrepreneurial drive keeps you driving towards your dreams. We have it too. But, like all other entrepreneurs you face challenges and even isolation as you guide your business into new and unknown directions. Not only can this be nerve-racking it can have a material impact on your decision-making process. We’ve been there.

Perhaps your business is focused on the Amazon marketplace today, but you wonder what other channels you can develop to reduce your risks of selling through a single channel. Maybe you have decided to expand your e-commerce offerings, but you don’t know what steps make the most sense for your business.

Our experience can help your business today achieve its goals, but more importantly, we can share big-picture strategies and experiences that may help guide you to a positive future.

There is a high likelihood that over time we have faced similar challenges to what you are dealing with. Areas like hiring, firing, scaling, growing, financing, buying, selling, importing, exporting and more are all topics where we have spent lots of time and money while learning things the hard way. By being a member of the Catalyst88 Mastermind you can benefit of “skipping to the end” without learning each and every lesson the way we did. You will still have challenges without question and indeed you will make mistakes, but it will help to have a trusted group to turn to and ask for support when needed to make those mistakes and challenges less impactful.

Remember that this is an exclusive group and your application and willingness to pay are only the first steps towards acceptance in this amazing group. Our process for admission is highly related to the chemistry of the group and holding everyone accountable to contribute in a positive way.

For those that wish to learn more about our founder & leader Steve Simonson you can watch these quick videos to get a sense of his background.